On Friday 9/23, we made some progresses on our robot design.
. Sammi duplicated the refrigerator for our food delivery mission. It is not finished yet, but we are on the track.
. William finished the bucket to collect food from the refrigerator, and the hook used to pull the release bar of the refrigerator.
. Chungtai changed the rear wheel to make the base more compact. He also tested the idea of running over the ramp. It turned out that due to the structure and surface of the ramp, it is very hard to control (or predict) the direction of the robot after it climbs the ramp. We had a discussion on it, and agreed that the most possible mission will use this route is to deliver the manure to the R & D area. So we decide to leave this idea for future study.
. Zoey built the fork that sends the Shark Tank.
Your assignments for this week are:
. Sammi: needs to finish the refrigerator duplicate next time. Things you need to think include: 1) Current "refrigerator" has a slop at the bottom. This slop will let the food roll away from the refrigerator once it is released. However, when we deliver the food to animals, we need to make sure that food falls right in the feeding circle. Is current structure feasible to the mission? Do we need to make any change? 2) What route do you want to take to feed animal? 3) What other missions do you plan finish together with the feeding mission? Please start to think the programing part.
. William: We will test the task that collect food from the refrigerator next Friday. You need to think: 1) How do you want to hook up your mission blocks with the base? 2) What mechanics you plan to connect your release hood with the motor? 3) Make a testing plan to decide what you want to test, and how to test them. Also write programs that will help you do these tests.
. Chungtai: Finish the robot base. Test the Shart Tank mission as the building block is already finished.
. Aiden: Present your mission studies to the team, which you missed on 9/16. Pick the mission you want to work on (please see above to know which missions have been assigned and finished) and start to think about the mission block design.
From next Friday, we will have a short plan meeting at the beginning of the meet, and a summary by the end. So be prepared.