Sunday, October 2, 2016

Robot homework 10/1 - 10/7

We have made some progresses in our last meeting.
. Sammy finished the refrigerator duplicate
. William redesigned the food basket and made it smaller. He also finished the hook to pull the release bar.
. Aiden started working on the Honeybee mission and pat mission.
. Chungtai finished the base, and the Shark Tank mission.

In the coming week, here is the Robot homework assignment:
. Sammy needs to think how to use motor to release food from the refrigerator and how to hook this mission block with the base.
. William needs to finish connecting mission blocks with the base, and start testing the task in our next meet. This means you need to start programming too.
. Aiden needs to find solutions to two tasks. 1) How to pull back the pet and bee once foods are collected from the refrigerator. 2) How to deliver the honeybee to bee hive and bring the honey back to base.
. Chungtai needs to work on several things. 1) Duplicate the frame of the base, so we can test how to connect mission blocks with the base. 2) Duplicate wheels and color sensors on the other brick, so we can do routing experiment on this brick. 3) Help Sammy and William to hook up their mission modules with the base and programming the robot to finish our planned missions.

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