This year we will offer the opportunity to compete for the Illinois Ambassador Award to teams attending the Einstein, Hopper & Tesla Tournaments in Illinois. Ambassador Award trophies will be given out to three teams at each championship event. The teams selected will have the honor of promoting the FIRST® LEGO® League program in the area in which they were selected. The commitment to act as the Illinois Ambassador will be from the time they receive the award until the following Illinois Championship Tournaments. To provide an opportunity for more teams to have the honor of representing the FIRST® LEGO® League program in Illinois, the following rules for Ambassador Award team eligibility will apply.
1. At least 1 team selected must have never won the Ambassador award previously.
2. Once a team has won the 1st place Ambassador Award, it is no longer eligible to compete for any Ambassador Award.
3. Any team that has reached first place status will be named FIRST Illinois Ambassador Emeritus at the end of their time as an Ambassador team (1 year).
4. The highest ranking non-emeritus ambassador teams will have the right of first refusal for prestigious ambassador opportunities that are offered.
To apply for the Illinois Ambassador Award teams must first qualify to attend an Illinois Championship Tournament by advancing from their qualifying tournament. The judging is a two-part process. Written applications will be reviewed by the judges to determine which teams will advance to the next phase of the judging process, which will be an interview at the Illinois Championship Tournament they are attending. Advancing teams will have demonstrated that they have a good understanding of the FIRST® LEGO® League Core Values and are interested in sharing their enthusiasm and experiences with others. We are also looking to see what outreach activities such as school demonstrations, community events, etc. teams have already undertaken.
The deadline for the Ambassador Award application is December 29, 2017. Applications can be found on theFIRST® Illinois Robotics/FLL website at this link www.firstillinoisrobotics. Applications must be sent via email to with the notation ‘Ambassador Award Application’ in the subject line.
Teams will be notified by email whether they will be scheduled for an interview at the championship tournament by January 5, 2018. Note that teams must complete in their representative region. For example, a team in Chicago that competes in Champaign for schedule reasons would be required to compete in one of the northern tournaments for the Ambassador Award.
The teams selected as the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place Illinois FIRST® LEGO® League Ambassadors will be presented with a trophy at their respective FIRST® LEGO® League Illinois Championship Tournament. The Ambassador Award is an important recognition of the teams that best embody the core values of the FIRST®. LEGO® League program, with emphasis on sharing experiences with others. The activities of the Ambassador teams throughout the year have historically included demonstrations at events such as LEGO®Kids’ fest, Brick World, trade shows and local community events. Participation in these opportunities provides the team with outstanding experiences to share with the core values judges in their next years’ competitions, in addition to invaluable life experiences.
Thank you for all you do.
FIRST® Illinois Robotics
FIRST® LEGO® League Leadership Committee
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