Monday, August 13, 2018

A compilation of questions for the FLL robot section:
- Is there a specific order that the Core Samples in Mission 5 'Extraction' are placed in?
- What is the thin black line (not outlined in white) for?
- Can you place the meteoroids in Mission 14 'Meteorite Deflection' into the Center or Side of the Meteorite Catcher?
- Of Mission 7 'Space Walk Emergency' Can Gerhard's Body or Ring be supported while being 'partially' within the boundaries of the airlock?

1 comment:

  1. . The order is not important to us. I don't expect our robot will be able to identify them. So we will carry all pieces back to base.
    . This line is the Free-Line in mission 14. Both meteoroids need be released behind (the west side) this line.
    . See previous answer.
    . Body includes everything except the ring.
